Still single?? Here is some food for thought…A lot of guys that I work with whom are single and looking for love are truly looking to be part of something, to be appreciated by someone, and to get positive feedback to feed their own ego. The spirit at its core is rejection and abandonment which leads to fear based behavior rather than abundance. It will continue to chase you and produce the same results until you decide to no longer be a victim or leave your happiness in the hands of other people. This will continue to chase you until you stop looking for a place to belong or a person/group/institution to validate your ‘gifts’ to the world. Don’t hold your breath waiting for another who you may love or admire to acknowledge you….the only way to release yourself is to know that you are on path. The only way you can mess up your own destiny is by looking to someone else to give you the answers that are locked inside of YOU. Those assigned to your life in any capacity are there to help you get closer to unlocking your own formula. Find love by staying open to it while you work on you!

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